Saturday, May 16, 2009


Personal Data

: Male

: Single

: Cambodian

Date of Birth
: 13 - 07 -1986

Place of Birth
: Svay Por Commune, Ti roum khet District, Battambang Province

Education Background

: Being studied of Master degree of MBA

: Have studied Bachelor degree of Information Technology

: Have studied at Net Yang High School

: Have studied at Net Yang High School

: Have student at Chea Sim Primary School
Working Experience

2010 - Present
: Working as an IT assistant at University of Battambang.
·         Responsibility
o   Controlling all Computer Lab assistant
o   Training Internship
o   Repairing Computer
o   Installing New Computer Lab (Team work)
o   Installing Internet (Team work)
o   Doing Monthly report
: Volunteer as Computer Lab assistant at University of Battambang.
·         Responsibility
    • Take care all computer in Lab
    • Helping students who have problem while using computer.
Other Education

: Successfully completed English course at COERR Center Level 9.

: Successfully completed English course at LADO Center Level 6.

: Successfully completed English course at NewTon tilay for Intermediate Level

: Successfully completed Computer short course Ms. Publisher.

: Successfully completed Computer short course Ms. Word & Ms. Excel

: Successfully completed short course of Community Development.


  • Check Internet
  • Listen music & watch Television
  • Play most type of sport
  • Making new friends
  • Learning new things

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